1 About this App

The Compton imaging app is designed to streamline the process of visualising and analysing data from MTsort. It is written in the R coding language and uses the shiny library, a package to build interactive web applications. The code has been compiled into a stand-alone application using a process developed by Columbus Collabatory. This was described in the 2018 R Consortium conference and is available to watch on Youtube. A Github repository exists with the basic elements required to design your own stand-alone app. Slight alterations were required to include particular functionality needed for Compton imaging which shall be discussed in a later section.

The Compton imaging app was built by myself, Dr. Adam Caffrey, and incorporated algorithms written by Dr. Dan Judson. Please ensure this is reflected in the references of any future publications. The current version as of writing this document is 3.0.2 and was compiled on Mac OS Catalina. If you have any questions or require help fixing the app please contact me at .

This document is designed for anyone wishing to develop the application further, or those who are struggling to understand how to use it.